Welcome to our website.


Welcome Letter From New Head Teacher

Dear Parents and Carers

At Halton Holegate Church of England Primary School we constantly strive to inspire and therefore ensure all our pupils are able to excel and maximise their potential both academically and personally. All our staff are fully committed to ensuring every child enjoys their education with us and work passionately so that they receive the right level of challenge to support independent learning.

Within the context of Christian belief and practice, our school has developed a set of core values which will continue to underpin all the work we do. These values will have a huge impact as your child develops. They help to deepen your child’s positive values and in doing so, help them consider the implications of their choices in relation to themselves, the communities from which they are part and the wider world.

We understand how vital working in partnership with parents really is, in order for children to find school a positive and rewarding experience. I strongly believe achievement and enjoyment go hand in hand to ensure each child’s excellent progress. I hope you will support our high expectations in all areas, especially in attendance, behaviour and achievement.

At Halton Holegate  we believe in an open school so please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries, concerns or there is anything I can do to help and support you with your child’s learning and school life.

If you would like to look round our school please contact our office on 01790 752575 to arrange visit.


Kindest regards

Andrew Leeman


To see our reports click below:

Click here to read the Ofsted report from our September 2018 short inspection.

Click here to read the SIAMS report from our June 2015 inspection

SCHOOL PERFORMANCE 2019 (Covid means no data for 2020)

You can view 2019 performance data online by going to https://www.compare-school-performance.service.gov.uk/school/120573

Welcome to our website.


Welcome Letter From New Head Teacher

Dear Parents and Carers

At Halton Holegate Church of England Primary School we constantly strive to inspire and therefore ensure all our pupils are able to excel and maximise their potential both academically and personally. All our staff are fully committed to ensuring every child enjoys their education with us and work passionately so that they receive the right level of challenge to support independent learning.

Within the context of Christian belief and practice, our school has developed a set of core values which will continue to underpin all the work we do. These values will have a huge impact as your child develops. They help to deepen your child’s positive values and in doing so, help them consider the implications of their choices in relation to themselves, the communities from which they are part and the wider world.

We understand how vital working in partnership with parents really is, in order for children to find school a positive and rewarding experience. I strongly believe achievement and enjoyment go hand in hand to ensure each child’s excellent progress. I hope you will support our high expectations in all areas, especially in attendance, behaviour and achievement.

At Halton Holegate  we believe in an open school so please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries, concerns or there is anything I can do to help and support you with your child’s learning and school life.

If you would like to look round our school please contact our office on 01790 752575 to arrange visit.


Kindest regards

Andrew Leeman


To see our reports click below:

Click here to read the Ofsted report from our September 2018 short inspection.

Click here to read the SIAMS report from our June 2015 inspection

SCHOOL PERFORMANCE 2019 (Covid means no data for 2020)

You can view 2019 performance data online by going to https://www.compare-school-performance.service.gov.uk/school/120573