School Uniform Policy


Having consulted parents, the Governors have introduced a basic uniform. The main aim is to create in the children, a sense of pride in their appearance.

We ask you not to send your child to school in denim material or trainers.

The basic uniform is:

navy sweatshirt,

navy fleece,

a white polo shirt. 

These are available from Nationwide Uniforms, Tesco and


Please see Mrs Gower for details. 


Boys are requested to wear black, grey trousers or shorts.

Girls may wear navy, black or grey skirts, trousers or pinafore dresses. Blue gingham dresses may be worn in the summer. 

All children must wear black shoes which are suitable for running around at playtime.


Optional items of uniform

We have a list of additional and optional uniform available from Nationwide Uniforms, 

This includes  woolly hats, tracksuits, reversible waterproof fleeces and waterproof coats, all with the school badge . Please ask for an order form from the school office.

Orders are usually processed within one week. Ordered items can be picked up from school or collect  from the relevant warehouse in Spilsby.

School caps and water bottles are available to buy from the school office, and are strongly advised for the summer months.


Physical Education Kit

We would appreciate you providing the following items for your child:

Plain white T-shirt,

Navy or black shorts,

Plimsolls or trainers.

During the winter months, a dark tracksuit should be brought in as we shall still use the outside areas for P.E.




Health and Safety Issues

We discourage the wearing of jewellery, apart from watches, for your child’s safety.

We further ask that if your child has their ears pierced that they wear stud earrings in school. Please arrange for any ear piercing to be done at the beginning of the Summer holidays, so that your child does not miss any P.E. sessions whilst the earrings have to be worn.

For Health and Safety reasons, all jewellery must be removed before P.E. Your child must be able to remove their own earrings for P.E. The adults cannot take responsibility for removing or storing the jewellery.

Your child will have all of the resources they need for class work.

You can order Halton Holegate C of E Primary school uniform from:


National School Uniforms

Address: Vale Rd, Spilsby PE23 5HE
Phone: 01790 754522
Open daily Â· 8:30am–5pm
Pre-owned uniform
Good quality second -hand uniform can be purchased from the Christian Fellowship, Halton Road, Spilsby. The Christian Fellowship can be messaged via our Facebook Page.