
Attending school is key to a consistent and successful school experience. Although absences are sometimes unavoidable, it is important that children attend school everday.


We strive for a minimum of 95% attendance every week.  The DfE has produced a document that outlines in depth why high attendance is so important.  You can read it HERE. As a school, we understand that barriers to attending school are both wide and complex.  School should be a place where children want to be and therefore the foundation of securing good attendance is that school is a calm, safe, orderly and supportive environment where every child is keen and ready to learn.  If there are factors that are likely to affect your child's attendance, please come and speak to us in order that we can put things in place to support you. 

Linked to attendance, punctuality is of equal importance.  As a reminder, timings are as follows:

08.20  -  Gate opens and children come onto the playground. 

08.30  -  The gate is closed and children are taken to class by their teachers for register.

09.00  -  The registers are closed.  Any child who arrives at school after 08.30 but before 09.00 will be marked as LATE.  After 09.00, the child will be marked as absent for that half day even if they arrive in school.    


There is much more detail in the School Attendance Policy which is available via the link below.

Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy September 2024.pdf .pdf