School Governors


Tracey Robson (Chair of the Governing Body)

  • Foundation Governor.   Responsible for:
  • Attendance
  • Safeguarding
  • Health and Safety including food standards
  • Special Educational Needs

I am honoured to be on the governing body of this wonderful school.  I feel passionately about education. As part of a great team, I am confident we can continue to provide a happy safe environment for children to thrive and be the best that they can be.  I have a lot of previous experience as Governor in another Faith based School. I am part of the Parish council and involved in the management of several local community groups.

Emma Middleton

  • LA Governor.  Responsible for:
  • Finance
  • Maths

I joined the governing body at Halton Holegate in June 2020 and I am also the chair of governors at another local primary school so I am able to bring a variety of experiences to the school. Personally, I have three daughters and I run my own book-keeping business.     

Richard Baldock

- Headteacher

I am delighted to be the Headteacher for Halton Holegate C of E Primary School. Born in Spilsby, I grew up in and around Horncastle before having a full career in the Army.  I spent a lot of my career in Germany but also served in Cyprus and Afghanistan.  I left HM Forces in 2013 and have worked as a teacher since then. My great uncle actually worked as the miller in the village of Halton Holegate in the mid 20th century.      

Sheila Malham

- Clerk to the Governing Body

LCC Governor Clerk covers all meetings

Abbie Kitchen

  • Staff Governor.  Responsible for:
  • Website

I began my journey at Halton Holegate Primary School as a PGCE student six years ago. After I had completed my training, I became Class 1 teacher! I have been given the support needed to progress into my roles as English Lead and DDSL. We have incredibly talented children here who showcase our school values and make us proud every day. I have always lived locally and have  completed an NPQLL to further my own knowledge and understanding of leading English.

Adriana Ziller

  • Parent Governor.  Responsible for:
  • Subject Leadership
  • Early Years

 Rev'd Fran Jeffries

  • Responsible for:
  • Church School Distinctiveness
  • Online Safety
  • Wellbeing




 We currently have a parent governor vacancy.