Hello and welcome to Class 1!


We are the youngest class in school and we are made up of EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 children. Miss Kitchen is our class teacher and we have Mrs Martini and Mrs Wilson as our teaching assistants and Miss Casswell as our classroom support. 


  •  Spellings are sent home weekly, the children in KS1 will receive new spellings every Wednesday and will be tested the following Wednesday.
  • PE is every Wednesday, please ensure PE kits are in school for this.
  •  We have daily phonics lessons in Class 1. Click on the 'our curriculum' tab on the home page of the website for more information regarding phonics.


As we enter into Summer Term, the children in EYFS and Key Stage 1 will be stepping back in time for their topics....

'Long Ago' and 'Magnificent Monarchs'


Let's begin....


Below are KS1's homework projects for this term.


2023 - 2024

Spring Terms


This week's PSHE lesson focused on respecting our similarities and differences. The children in Reception and KS1 were incredible when recognising things that were the same and different between them and a partner and were, of course, very respectful throughout!

Nursery and Class 1 had a magical trip to Skegness Beach today. They played in the sand, found multiple features of a coastline, had a tour of the RNLI centre and enjoyed an ice cream in the sun!
I am so proud of the way all of the children behaved today and extremely thankful to the staff for making it happen!


This week, the children in Year 1 have been exploring length and height in their maths lessons. They did a fantastic job comparing length, and using a ruler to measure in centimetres.

World Book Day

The staff and children in Nursery and Class 1 had a fantastic World Book Day again this year! They all looked incredible in their cosutmes and had a fun-filled afternoon exploring texts and enjoying story-themed arts and crafts!

The children in KS1 have been working on hard on learning the features of beach huts this term. After exploring ways of joining wood and the suitable materials needed, the children cut and decorated wood to build their very own beach huts!

Autumn Terms


As we were making Christmas crowns yesterday, we came up with the idea to have a spontaneous fashion show! The children had a fantastic time strutting down the catwalk to the music!


We had a very special visitor in school today. Santa came to see us all before the big day! Class 1 told him how well-behaved they've been this year and gave him a few present ideas too.


The Reception children have had a fantastic start to the year! They have shown confidence when exploring their learning environments and have begun creating some lovely friendships with one another.


This term, the children in Year 1 have been looking at the uses of technology around school in their computing lessons. This week, they practised using a keyboard and a mousepad. They all did a fantastic job navigating the keyboard to write their names!


Yesterday, the children in KS1 had a wonderful time when experimenting with colour mixing. They showed good knowledge of the primary colours and which secondary colours are made when mixing.

Summer Terms - 'School Days'


This term, the children in Class 1 have been using their senses when exploring sights, tastes and smells in different religions. After that, we moved on to exploring foods from around the world.

Over the last few weeks, we have tried croissants, vegetable gyozas, spring rolls, samosas, onion bhajis and pakoras!


At the start of this term, the children had a very special delivery - caterpillars! The children have enjoyed watching the caterpillars grow, building cocoons around themselves and finally hatching as beautiful butterflies! Today, it was time to release them!


Over the past few weeks, the children have been growing a variety of vegetables. Today, it was time to pull the potatoes up and eat them! The children thoroughly enjoyed watching the process from planting their seeds to being able to eat their home grown produce!


This term, the children have been exploring sculptures. To begin, we explored famous scultpures from around the world, going on to look at Antony Gormely's work. Today, we applied our understanding of his work when creating our own sculptures!


This term, the children in KS1 have been working hard in art when exploring a new artist - James Rizzi! As well as completing research on the artist himself, they focused on his work on street views and the way he uses colour and form to create some very unique artwork. Today, they worked together when creating their final piece - their very own street view in the style of James Rizzi. Well done!


Over the past two weeks, the children in KS1 have been working hard on instruction writing. We looked at a WAGOLL of how to make some coronation biscuits which we used to influence our own recipe - pizzas! Today the children from Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 followed the instructions that KS1 had written to make their own pizzas! 

As you can see, they were thoroughly enjoyed by all!


This term, the children in KS1 are going to be exploring food in their D&T lessons. They wil be learning how to prepare food, going on to use their knowledge when designing and making a new supermarket sandwich!

Today, we began our topic by exploring the sources of food, looking at which foods come from plants and which come from animals. They did a fantastic job and all showed a good understanding at the end!


This term, the children in KS1 are starting a new history-based topic - 'School Days'. This afternoon, we had our first history lesson for this topic. We explored the history of our school, making a timeline of significant events including when it was established as a school, the first female headteacher, extensions made, when it changed to a junior school and how it looks in present day! The children were fascinated and couldn't believe what their school used to look like!

Spring Terms - 'Bright Lights, Big City'


This week, the children in KS1 have been measuring wind speed! At the beginning of the week, they explored the tools they would need to use and the scale they would compare against. After that, they made their own windsocks and used them to measure the wind against the beaufort scale everyday.


After our exciting visit from the dinosaurs, Reception got to work and wrote some letters! They used their new favourite book 'Dear Dinosaur' for inspiration! Well done!


This morning, the children in EYFS and KS1 had a special visitor in school - Dinosaur Pete! The children had the opportunity to learn about and meet a variety of dinosuars, including some fossils and dinosaur claws. To finish, they got to get up close to a T-Rex on the playground!


This week, the children have completed their DT projects. They used their understanding of wheels, axles and chassis to create a moving vehicle.



This afternoon, the children in KS1 completed their final pieces in art. They used their understanding of texture, weather symbols and collagraphy when creating their assessment piece! They have done a brilliant job and have shown a good understanding of this new concept!


Over the last couple of weeks, the children in Reception have been exploring shapes in their maths sessions. They have done a fantastic job and were succesful in recognising and sorting 2D and 3D shapes! Well done!


This term, the children have been working hard in music with Miss Burton on conducting! Their chosen song was 'when the cold wind blows'. They put actions to their singing and have been learning how to follow a conductor for when to play instruments. I am super impressed!


This term, the children in KS1 are exploring wheels, axles and chassis in their DT lessons. To begin, we discussed what these terms mean, relating it to real life examples such as skateboards and wheelchairs. Today, we used this understanding when building moving vehcile prototypes. The children engaged in some fantastic discussions during this session using all of the learnt vocabulary!


This afternoon, the children continued with their work in art. Today, we explored collagraphy! The children used various resources of different textures to create their base and then painted over it to print some fantastic patterns!

Autumn Terms - 'Childhood'


We had a fantastic afternoon in Class 1 today at our 'Grandparents Afternoon'! The children invited their Grandparents into school to do some activities based on the 1950s. It was a really busy afternoon but everyone had lots of fun!

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The children had a fantastic time during Children in Need today! They looked fantastic in their yellow outfits and showed a good understanding about why this is such a good cause.



This morning, the children in Class 1 had quite the surprise when we got back from Collective Worship. Someone had been into our classroom while we were gone and made a mess! Using the clues we had found, the children inferred that the Big Bad Wolf was responsible for this! Now it is time to investigate....

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Today, the children used their understanding of word documents when learning a new skill - inserting and changing the colour of shapes and lines! There were multiple steps to remember but they did a fantastic job and managed to insert multiple shapes and lines to decorate a word document!

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This afternoon, the children developed their computing knowledge further when exploring photography! We looked at the different devices you can take pictures on and then began to think about how to take a good picture. As evident from the pictures taken, the children had a good understanding of angles, reducing blur and centring an object! We are really impressed!

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This afternoon, the children continued with their learning in RE, focusing on baptisms and how and why they are celebrated. To do this, we recreated a baptism in the classroom, exploring the vocabulary linked to this including: baptismal font, priest, godparents, holy water. The children did a fantastic job and were able to sequence the events within a baptism following the lesson.

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This morning, the children performed their final piece in music with Miss Burton. Here is the 'Grandma Rap'!


This afternoon, the children in Nursery and Class 1 went on a walk around our local area. We were searching for signs of the seasons changing, thinking about what this tells us about the time of year we are in. KS1 have also been exploring materials in their science lessons so they were also looking for uses of these! 

On the way back to school, we met a new furry friend called Alfie! 

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This week, the children in KS1 will be completing a piece of writing, applying the skills they have learnt this term. Today, they explored the stimulus for their writing - pumpkin carving! Year 2 recapped verbs and Year 1 consolidated their understanding of adjectives, well done!

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Today, the children developed their learning further in music when composing a 4 beat rhythm using crotchets, quavers and rests! We are so impressed with how much their music knowledge has progressed this term already - well done! 

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This term's RE focus is special times in our lives. The children have been working on their own special memories and have now moved on to exploring different religious festivals and how they're celebrated. Today we focused on Chinese New Year! The children had a lovely discussion, using prior knowledge to inform conversations. Following on from this, the children made some beautiful Chinese lanterns to display in the classroom!

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In our English lessons this week, the KS1 children are exploring adjectives! Today, we used our senses to explore some fruit, coming up with various adjectives to describe their texture, appearance, smell and taste. The children have made a fantastic start to this new concept - well done!

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This afternoon, the children continued with their DT projects on dens. Using our designs from last week, we created some prototypes! After discussing what a prototype is, we collected some sticks and got working. The children had a fantastic time and made some brilliant miniature dens for our classroom toys to try out!

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In today's art lesson, the children did some more work around faces. Today we were trying different ways to join materials together, focusing on glue and sewing! The children were eager to use the sewing needles to secure their eyes onto their faces, taking care when using different tools and being successful in today's aims!

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After a busy first day back to school, the KS1 children took advantage of the tranquil wildlife area we have on our field. Over the summer holidays, a new pond has been built and has transformed both the look and feel of our outdoor area. 

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