This section is to give you a little more information about aspects of the school. You can find out how we spend our Pupil Premium money and its impact, as well as how we use our Sport funding. There is also information about our wonderful (and busy!) 'Friends of Halton Holegate Primary School' who are always looking for new volunteers to help with their fundraising.


From September 1st 2014, all schools in the County have to publish their 'Local Offer'. This document outlines what the school does to support and nurture children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). To download our Local Offer, simply go to the 'SEND' tab in the drop down menu above.


The school day starts at 8.30 am, gates open at 8.20 and ends at 3.00pm. Our breakfast club runs from 7.30am and costs £1.50. We also have an after school club from 3.00 to 5.00pm at a cost of £2.00 per hour.